Meet the treatment changing the industry

The Dolphin Neurostim is the world’s first medical device specifically designed to treat chronic and acute soft tissue pain

Meet the treatment changing the industry

The Dolphin Neurostim is the world’s first medical device specifically designed to treat chronic and acute soft tissue pain

60,000+ Professionals

1,000,000+ Patients

25+ Years Established

Your search for effective, all natural pain relief is over.

Introducing Dolphin Neurostimâ„¢ and MPS Therapy, an innovative, hybrid pain relief device and a revolutionary, hybrid therapeutic modality. Through the combination of modern Western science and ancient Chinese medicine, they work hand-in-hand to provide highly effective, all natural relief from chronic pain.

Dolphin Neurostimâ„¢

Designed to treat chronic and acute soft tissue pain and scars and adhesions by applying concentrated microcurrent impulses to trigger, motor, and acupuncture points, providing quick and effective pain relief for a long list of medical conditions. Available in both Professional and Patient Models.

MPS Therapy

MPS Therapy integrates the principles of acupuncture with modern neurology to provide an all natural, holistic approach to treating the body and mind. This combination produces highly effective results that are amazing patients and practitioners across North America.

Now Available Over-the-Counter!

The Dolphin Neurostim is now FDA cleared for over-the-counter use.
No prescription required.

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